Level 6 full 2 way data sync
- Easy data interchange
- Customer info, work order data, and customer history will be automatically sent:
- Directly from Tire//SMART =>
- Completed DVI on Autoflow will be automatically sent:
- Directly from Autoflow => Tire//SMART.
- Full data sync
- Any changes made to the customer's info or work order status on either system will update
the other.
- Technicians will always have up-to-date data to allow a seamless inspection experience.
- Autoflow.com is a shop workflow tool created by a shop owner, for shop owners, to bridge
communication gaps between service advisers and customers.
- Some of the best shops around the country are using our service and seeing incredible results.
- Using Autoflow digital inspection sheets and texting your customers will increase repair
orders and keep your customers happy.
- See more info on Autoflow here.