1. 'Pre appointment' reminders
- 1. Choose the timing of when you want to send the reminder.
- There are two different methods to choose from to set the timing.
Days/hrs before the appointment.
Example: Send the text reminder 1 day and 2 hrs before the appointment.
- This would have the configuration 0102.
An exact time of day for the appointment reminder +
any amount of days before it.
Example: Send the text reminder 1 day before the
appt at 04:00pm.
- This would have the configuration 01001600.
- To set the value go to OE Opt #102, S2, Fld 49. See
- Tip: The J-Buzz
field is coded as DDMMTTTT.
- Where DD is the days before the apt, MM, is the minutes, and TTTT is the
time of day to send the
message if it is filled in.
- 01001600 can be translated to 01 days before the apt, 00 additional hours before the apt, and at
- 2. Choose the content of the message you want to send.
- This can be any message and can use data from the work order.
- Example:
- "N$ - you have an appt on A$ at L$. Please text to confirm."
- When this message is sent the values will be replaced with the right words to create the msg.
- The above message becomes:
- "John Smith - you have an appt on 10/05 at JMK Tire. Please text to
- Set the value by creating a new 'CM' record in
O/E opt 28,
selection CM, with code value J-BUZZ
- As you are filling out the value you will see all the shorthand values you can fill out.
Appointment Reminder Usage
- Go to an active work order and go onto the 'O' screen.
- Make sure the order has a cell phone number on it with texting set to 'TxOK'
- The first valid phone number on the list of numbers will be chosen.
- Set an appointment in field 18 as well as a time.
- Follow the prompts, and then it will ask you whether you want to send a J-Buzz Text Reminder.
- Enter 'Y'. If successful a message will come up on the screen indicating success.
The customer will now get an appointment text reminder at the time you indicated.
If they respond to this text it will utilize J-Buzz's
platform to notify your store via email/phone call.
To see a history of text messages sent, go to the 'M' screen and enter 'PT' to see
msg history.
2. Post appointment followup contact
- 1. Choose the timing of when you want to send the followup.
- See above reminder timings for explanation on the format of how they are set.
- The only difference for reminders is that they are sent after the appt rather than
and where the field is set.
- While appt reminders timings are the same for every appt, appt followup timing is dynamic.
- The timing is determined by the items on the order you are following up on.
- For example, let's say you had an order with a wiper blade on it as well as a new set of
- You may want to followup on how their new wiper blade install went a few days after the
went through.
- Whereas for a new set of tires you'd want to give them a longer time before asking for
so they have time to test them out.
- J-Buzz
takes the longest days away setting from the list of items on the order and
uses that for the followup.
- So for wiper blades configured for 3 days after
tires configured for 7 days after, the text
would send 7 days after.
- The timing is set for each product type. If there isn't an item with a configured
type on the order then no followup text will be sent.
- To set the values go to OE Opt #28, select DP, and select the code value for the product types
to configure.
- The place to change for each product type is on scr 1 and is field 31.
- TIP: The description for the prod type, fld 2, is what is going to be used as the service if the
service is referenced in the text msg.
- 2. Choose the content of the message you want to send.
- This can be any message and can use data from the work order.
- Example: "How was your service on I$ at L$? Review it on Google here:
- This message will be filled in with the correct date and location when it is sent.
- It is recommended to use a social media platform to have your service reviewed such as Google,
Facebook, or Yelp.
- To get the customized links for your store, contact Tire//SMART
for assistance.
- Set the value by creating a new CM record in O/E opt 28, selection CM, with code value J-BUZZ
Appointment Followup Usage
- Go to an active work order and go onto the 'O' screen.
- Make sure the order has a cell phone number on it with texting set to 'TxOK'
- The first valid phone number on the list of numbers will be chosen.
- On the list of items on the 'I' screen, make sure one has a product type that is configured for J-Buzz
- When the order is ready to be consummated, perform an 'E20'.
- The followup text message will then be scheduled to be sent.
- For info on the audit trail and how it used J-Buzz,
see reminder usage above.
3. Confirm appointments with J-Confirm
4. 'Available stock' reminders with J-Stock
5. 'Marketing' Reminders
- Use Market Maker
to generate a marketing message to send to customers.
- Uses extrapolated mileage using vehicle's service history for routine operations such as:
Oil changes.
Alignment checks.
Brake checks.
- Winterization - Snow tire change.
- Springtime - A/C service, remove snow tires, etc.
- Can be automated or ran manually from A/H option 6.
- Allows sales person entry of vehicle specific service comments to track a followup action
which is then:
- Sent electronically by your mail marketing provider, to send your
customers a reminder of the work to be done.
- Provided as a reminder at Point Of Sale to salesperson next time
customer comes in, to ask customer about service needs for that vehicle.
- Reported to your sales staff for direct follow up.
- Click here to learn more.
8. Vehicle In Shop Progress Reports