1. Bespoke Design
- Each site'sTire//SMART system is a bespoke design.
- Custom fitted to their exact business style for maxium success.
- Tire//SMART
creative staff can recreate your custom historical reports for automated generation.
- Customization based on:
a. Selective application of Tire//SMART extensive feature and artificial intelligence
using detailed specific analysis of:
Existing type of sales - many parameters with mix of tires, parts, and labor.
- Need for full function interface to specialized industry functions - like:
National account / purchase resale / gov't net$ support claims processing.
- Digital vehicle inspection (DVI) options.
- See more here.
- Expected depth of detail in back office tracking.
- Interest in embedded CRM to drive enhanced sales.
- QR smartphone marketing - customer tether.
- Management control/review interest
- Future expansion planned.
- Utilization of ideas from our system's 40+ business years of experience in successful
- b. Detailed consultation with key site staff to confirm THEIR interest & requirements.
- To CUSTOM FIT the system to the site's benefit.
- c. Artificial Intelligence program 'tools' available:
- Rapid//ENTRY™
order create & load
automated to minimize (key) taps & (mouse) clicks.
Customized to each site's sales order pattern
using predictive analytics & statistical analysis.
Simple by design - by using:
- Preloaded 'follow-on' entries.
- Preloaded 'service package' entries
with related text lines.
- Preloaded 'relevant comment' library.
- Preloaded J-Library tire data
300,000 entries from most brands.
- Inventory bin location control using smart devices and cell phone WiFi.
2. Augmented back office data control
- Audit//Trac
optical character recognition (OCR)
technology to electronically 'read' vendor paper invoices and then automatically validate that
information back to the dealer's point of sale invoice.
- Audit//Trac
- Confirms a quantity match between the vendor invoice and the point of sale invoice.
- Resets the item’s 'cost of goods sold.’
- Posts the invoice directly into Accounts Payable for payment.
- Tracks the core charge/return referenced to confirm proper credit has been received.
- Maintain a detailed inventory audit trail for historical reference.
- Store a digital copy of the original document for electronic filing.
Integrated Document Imaging Service
3. Management Control
Visual Data using J-Dash
- Visual Data Using Artificial Intelligence Straight from Point Sale System.
- Empower Sales Counter with the Ability to Share Charts with Customers.
- Give Back-Office Access to Advanced Analytics to Help management Decisions.
- 90+ Charts and Graphs.
- Minimal learning curve.
- Powered by artificial intelligence.
- J-Dash will supply a relevant chart based off of where you are in the Tire//SMART system.
Retain Customers
- Give your sales counter staff charts on the customer as they are in the store.
- Help staff better tailor service for the customer based off their data.
- Show Customers their purchase history and when their next service should be to help bring them back to
your store.
Management Insights
- Give management access to valuable charts on
inventory stock, turn rate, employee performance, vendor pricing, and more.
- These insights will help management make crucial decisions
allowing them to easily share visual data between
staff members based on evidence.
Automated Report Execution
Based on site requirements
- Tire//SMART
can automate reports so that they can be sent to management emails at set times each day/week/month.
- Get the answers you need without any manual entry.
- For example, get daily sales reports in your inbox each morning so management can make decisions on
stocking levels.